Vagus Nerve Influencing Gut- Brain Axis

Have you ever felt a feeling in your gut or a butterfly sensation produced from your stomach? This sensitivity originates from your belly and will point toward the gut-brain connection.

What's more,

Recent studies suggest the importance of vagus nerve function joining both the gut and the brain. The vagus nerve function forms the axis connecting the gut and the brain.

This article explores more about the vagus nerve's role in the gut-brain axis along with essential supplements that are beneficial to its health.

What is the gut-brain connection?

The gut-brain connection is  a communication network connecting the gut and the brain. These two organs are physically and chemically interconnected and aligned with each other in a number of ways.

Neurons and nerves

Neurons - These are specialized cells in the body that helps in transmitting to different cells and tell them how to function properly.

Nerves - these are a bundle of fibers made of nerve cells.

Importance of vagus nerve

Interestingly, the vagus nerve is a component of the enteric nervous system. So, here we explore about the vagus nerve and its essentiality as part of the enteric nervous system.

     Vagus nerve:  This is the main nerve of the parasympathetic nervous system. It controls digestion, heartbeat, and the immune system. These main roles are involuntary means you can't control them. It creates the main connections between the brain and the gastrointestinal tract and sends sensory information about the inner organs to the brain impulsively via afferent fibers.

     Enteric nervous system- Present in the walls of the gut.  Contains 100 million neurons. Therefore known as the second brain. It is made of two nerve connections. One controls the gastrointestinal movements. The other controls secretion and local blood flow to the gut region.

There are nerve fibers connecting both these nerves. The function of these nerve fibers is to increase or decrease the gastrointestinal functions.

     Vagus nerve provides the path for the gut to interact with the brain- The main nerve connecting the gut and the brain is the vagus nerve. This is because the vagus nerve sends signals to the enteric nervous system. These impulses move through the enteric nervous system to the central nervous system. The signals also travel through the central nervous system too.

How is this interconnection disturbed?

The brain has straight effects on the brain and the intestine. The imbalance in serotonin and dopamine has direct effects on gut function.

The thought of having meals triggers gastric juice production in the stomach. This connection joined both ways. A  disturbed intestine sends signals to the brain. In the same manner, a troubled brain sends signals to the intestine. Therefore an individual's anxiety, stress, or depression can be the product or cause distress. That confirms the brain and the gastrointestinal (GI) system are intimately connected.

Gut health with mental care

Since the gut and brain are closely linked; one can clearly understand it in daily life. Imagine when you feel nauseated during a viva exam or have loose motions with excessive stress. This all clearly states the psychology combined with clinical symptoms of the affected gut. The psychologically affecting situations can disturb gut function. Or in other words, GI disturbances affect brain emotions and vice versa too.

This is where algal DHA  present in Vitagoli pre and probiotic gummies comes in .Enriched with Omega 3 essential fatty acid  containing DHA .This ingredient has its highly valued function in promoting healthy brain care .It mainly balances the happy hormone amounts in brain .Thereby lowering depression and other anxiety disorders.

Where healthy microbes comes in

In the gut, thousands of microorganisms are present. There are beneficial ones. Their main function is to aid in digestion. The normal beneficial bacteria colonizing the gut is Lactobacillus coagulans. The microbial colony in the gut begins to start right after birth. Exposure to the environment for a newborn baby fastens the process. The main reason behind adding this bacteria in Vitagoli's pre and probiotic vitamin gummies. To promote this growth of beneficial microbes which alters stress, diet, medicine intake, etc. This is the reason for Associated GI infections having altered the gut microbial community. That will eventually affect the brain's thinking and emotions produced as a result.

Having a healthy balanced diet promotes optimal good microbial amounts. Also, prevents harmful bacteria from multiplying in the gut. It will also make immune cells understand the differentiation of self-cells from non cells. This will prevent the onset of autoimmune diseases. Lactobacillus coagulans are essential to maintaining an optimum gut-brain function.

How does this gut brain interactivity influences weight management


Hypothalamus controls the body's energy balance. Taking in too many calories can reactivate the stress and inflammatory pathways that affect leptin hormone activity .Overstimulation of this hormone leads to weight gain. Leptin signals the brain to stop food intake. However, stress and emotions can affect this activity. The brain does not respond to signals from leptin hormone  to stop eating There is this continuous feeling of eating more food. Eventually leading to weight gain.


Researchers by studying mice observed that high levels of GIP  hormone inhibited leptin signaling. This causes an individual to overeat. When GIP activity is blocked, it leads to maintenance of leptin signals .This will result in stabilization of weight.


The chicory root extract in Vitagoli pre and probiotic gummies consists of a fermentable fiber (Inulin). This is not digested by enzymes. It also is a food source for beneficial bacteria in the gut. The fermentation activity by inulin inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria and will promote the growth of beneficial ones. This process will help in balancing the digestion .

Daily shot of ACV  for gut - brain health

Daily vinegar ingestion  is associated with improved metabolic function. With this over a period of time, there was noticeable mood up liftment. It has been observed that vinegar containing acetate increases fiber fermentation in the gut . Eventually, producing essential molecules that will speed up the digestion process. This high fiber diet will increase the concentration of brain derived neurotrophic factor. A  key molecule responsible for producing learning and memory.


With such power of apple cider vinegar, one cannot resist its introduction in Vitagoli pre and probiotic gummies. The concentration of this key ingredient has been added to maintain this gut brain link.


“ Our key ingredients added in Vitagoli pre and probiotic gummies play a vital role for a healthy gut and brain. Key factors discussed behind the disturbance in this link will be surpassed  productively. Just take in one gummy per day to see effective results.”


“ Rest assured, our products are 100% vegan, natural and easy to consume”

Source url- Vagus nerve influencing gut
